My favorite Jack Kerouac book by far. Check out the beautiful book covers available:
Jack looking very Christ-like in this amazing photo:
I still want to read Dharma Punx by Noah Levine about ex-addict punk rockers using buddhism to help their recovery. Anyone read it? What did you think? Do I have any drug-free/alcohol-free readers out there? I would love to hear from you.
I’ve read it and I am a teetotaler! My friend bought it for me and I read it a few years ago. I found it an interesting memoir content-wise but not necessarily well-written. I read it around the time Noah Levine was leading meditations @ Tibet House before the NYC Dharma Punx opened…and then when that opened I sat meditation there for about a year on their Tues dharma talk + led meditation nights. It was helpful but it was kind of a scene and maybe didn’t really match what the book presented on all points. I still got a lot out of it and haven’t really found an accessible peer meditation group since.
Thank you Jesse Anne. I looked at your sewing blog, I think you ressemble Audrey Tautou!