Hello, I really like your blog subjects, I pop in often and love the vintage french fashion ads.
As for the photos of these 2 fierce bi s, Where did this come from? If I could buy this to cover my whole wall I would.
They remind me of the old cholas from the neighborhood that I grew up in the late 60’s.
Thanks L9! I don’t know where the photo comes from, I found it on a friend’s Facebook profile. They look like they could be cholas or maybe even philapino….
Yeah I was thinking that perhaps this is either in old Vietnam or the Netherlands where there is a big indonesian population. Cant quite figure it out. But anyways alot of the older veteranas from way back have a slightly asian look don’t you think?
Hello, I really like your blog subjects, I pop in often and love the vintage french fashion ads.
As for the photos of these 2 fierce bi s, Where did this come from? If I could buy this to cover my whole wall I would.
They remind me of the old cholas from the neighborhood that I grew up in the late 60’s.
Thanks L9! I don’t know where the photo comes from, I found it on a friend’s Facebook profile. They look like they could be cholas or maybe even philapino….
Yeah I was thinking that perhaps this is either in old Vietnam or the Netherlands where there is a big indonesian population. Cant quite figure it out. But anyways alot of the older veteranas from way back have a slightly asian look don’t you think?