I’m a lucky girl. Marie Cazenave a local fashion designer has moved into the atelier with me. We had already started to collaborate last summer and I designed her first custom fabric. The studio is starting to look very girly and vintage. A perfect mix of fashion, art and tattoos. I’m very excited about the future and I’m sure I will have a ton more exciting projects to share with you very soon!

We share the space with two graphic designers and a painter.

2013-02-17 debille_016

photo above by Debille

We had a fashion shoot in my tattoo room right before she moved in. Here are some outtakes:


photo by Alexandra Bay


Test shot above for model poses that turned out funny: me and Matilde (doing a photo shoot for the new fashion line by Le Boudoir de Marie with fabric designed by me!)

I love collaborating with others (every day I collaborate with the tattoo client!). My creative energy is always augmented when I have a partner to bounce ideas off of. Stayed tuned!