
My new coloring book is out from Monsa Publishing! You can find it on Amazon. Or at Monsa.

Thank you for your interest in my coloring book. I hope it brings you many hours relaxing creativity. In this book you will find candy castles, sugar skulls, religious icons, tattoo symbols, circus animals, day of the dead decoration, tea parties, ice cream, lollipops, cats, sailors and tikis.

Luck, spirituality, sweetness, goodness, rock ‘n’ roll, travel, and fantasy are all themes  you can see in my art. Art is therapy, I find that it helps me a lot. Having a creative passtime is at the same time relaxing and distracting . Adult coloring books are very fashionable at the moment, making creation possible even for those who cannot draw the basic images. The important thing is that each person will end up with a different result, that’s creativity! I recommend using colored pencils or colored markers (you can start with markers and then add shading with pencils). Some things to think about while you color my designs; Vanity, worship, faith, savior, adventure, fun, love, death, femininity, exoticism, escape, comfort, joy, the antidotes to this crazy stressful world.

Please remember that I hold the copyright to these images, your finished colored pages are for your own personal use only, in your home or for gifts. Please do not use these images to make objects to resell or to tattoo. If you would like to use any of my images for commercial projects you must contact me for authorisation at

Thanks I really hope you enjoy it!

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