by Sunny | Nov 8, 2023 | Archive, Painting
I am working on a new manifesto. I am moving into new territory with my artwork and I want to make a statement about how I intend to go forward with it all. I’ve been thinking a lot about being nostalgic of the past and how this keeps me protected from fears of the...
by Sunny | Oct 4, 2023 | Archive, Painting
Henri Rousseau I am the spiritual grand-daughter of Henri Rousseau. Henri Rousseau was a painter living in the last half of the 19th century, naïve, perhaps delusional and yet powerful, compelling, dynamic, forceful and therefore thoroughly modern. He was made legend...
by Sunny | Sep 13, 2023 | Archive
Jean Carroll Jean Carroll, like many tattooed ladies before her, adopted a fabricated name and a fictional narrative to captivate the public’s interest in her tattoos. Crafted stories were essential for selling acts to the audience, and she ingeniously wove one around...
by Sunny | Aug 23, 2023 | Archive
This blog article first appeared on the website of: Why I Love Performance Art by Sunny Buick I studied performance art in college in the early 1990’s. I was already curious. My first performance was at age 15, when I was invited to assist in a...
by Sunny | Aug 18, 2023 | Archive
New Work Here’s all the new work that I’ve finished so far this year. Some are old projects that I finally completed (after years of being stalled) and some are just recent work that I wrapped up. Some are digital illustrations, some are color pencil...
by Sunny | Jun 28, 2023 | Archive, Art Shows
J’ai présenté à l’atelier Pour la Vie deux posters édités en tirage limité (50 exemplaires, 100×70 cm) par Venomen. J’ai aussi exposé une sélection de peintures originales de différentes époques et formats. C’était l’occasion pour les visiteurs d’acquérir...